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About Smoogle

Smoogle Overview

Smoogle is possibly the most complex and accurate relationship-compatibility tool on the planet! It’s designed to search millions of users and find the one who matches the needs of your soul best. It calculates over 123 dimensions on each match, and makes millions of calculations before recommending a match to you.

The algorithms Smoogle uses are timeless astrological calculations, based on the precise moment of birth. The calculations outline your purpose, personality traits and ideal companions.

Smoogle will also be happy to calculate your compatibility with someone you are already in a relationship with. You will perhaps be surprised to know that the stars, to a large extent determine your chemical make-up and the chemistry of your relationship. Smoogle truly is the maestro at determining this!

Why astrology?

Smoogle is designed to search millions of users and find the one who matches the needs of your soul best.

Why astology?

Your personality, tastes and desires are bound to change over time. Your astrological chart however, which defines your essential nature, soul's purpose, energetic make-up, and hence, your ideal companion, stays the same for your entire life. A majority of us are unaware of what we really need in a companion, and which relationships will last.

Precise astrology from ancient traditions prove very useful in determining the type of person you will be attracted to, be compatible with in the long-run, and lead a successful, purposeful and comfortable life with. All of us notice that there are some people we share a good “chemistry” with. But we rarely give much thought to what this “chemistry” is actually about.

Chemistry is purely a molecular and microcosmic representation of the planets. Every atom is essentially a solar system. Every aspect of a relationship from long- term chemistry and material success to procreation, are covered in the classic Vedic, Kabballistic, Daoist and Western Astrology systems.

There are numerous studies that prove that couples who have been correctly calculated as being astrologically compatible are much more likely to stay together. To correctly calculate compatibility it is necessary to have the precise chart, which changes every few minutes. Generalizations based on sun-signs are not only inaccurate, but also render the science of astrology a bad name.

Our process

Smoogle is designed to search millions of users and find the one who matches the needs of your soul best.

Smoogle Overview

Smoogle makes 123 calculations per compatibility, based mostly on Ancient Vedic Algorithms. These include the more popular 36 Guna wavelength calculations such as Strii Durga, Rajji, Mahendra, Vasya and Vedha. Some of the Algorithms Smoogle employs have been lost from the essential astrological work of the Vedas, while others have been popular only in South India.

The calculations for Mars(Manglik) are done in the Kuja Dosha (assertive pressure) section of Smoogle. Truly ancient Vedic Astrology considers Mangal Dosh to most importantly define the force with which each person asserts him/herself in a relationship, and believes that it is generally best to pair two similarly assertive people together. Hence the origin of commonly applied, yet misunderstood rule of marrying manglik people to manglik people only. While often important, this is by no means a deal maker/breaker type of situation. A manglik may be successfully paired with a non-manglik in certain circumstances, and a lot of other factors have also to be taken into account.

Smoogle also incorporates Western techniques of planetary interactions to determine attraction, and specific areas of compatibility based on your selection of things that you are most interested in.

Words of happy customers

Smoogle is designed to search millions of users and find the one who matches the needs of your soul best.

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Smoogle is designed to search millions of users and find the one who matches the needs of your soul best.

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